
Photo Testimonial

Pictured from Left to Right Founder of Double Dutch Therapy Selena Cook and Crystal Jones! 

Double Dutch Therapy Beale Street Takeover 2004

"DOUBLE DUTCH IS MY  THERAPY TOOK OVER BEALE STREET on May 4, 2024.   I had so much FUN the entire weekend.  What a BLAST!!   Double Dutching reminds me of my old neighborhood and my childhood friends from Edenwald PJ.  I am so Happy to be able to jump at 58 yrs old and with other women of all ages.  What an AMAZING EXPERIENCE.  Thanks Selena Cook for an excellent weekend of FUN, GREAT VIBES and good food.  I am looking forward to 2025. "
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Founder of Double Dutch Therapy Selena Cook took a few moments to speak with Officer McDaniels. The two discussed checking off McDaniels bucket list, which happens to be Jumping Double Dutch!!!

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#JumpInJune meet Tyshar Truevillian

Jump In June has been a great way to commit to moving daily.  It’s only 1 minute but the benefits last for hours.  I figure I always have 1 minute for my health.  My body is transforming since I have added jumping in June to my daily routine. I will plan to continue the journey and look forward to seeing other ladies across the map join and transform too.

#JumpInJune meet Denise R. Taylor

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#JumpinJune challenge has impacted my life by creating a space to help relieve stress and anxiety, which is a mental benefit. The challenge has increased my physical endurance, reflexes, and agility, providing an excellent cardio workout benefiting my body and heart. I've encouraged others to join in and we have found joy and laughter at who we are today as opposed to yesteryear. The JumpinJune has  created a time to challenge myself, encourage and uplift others, while promoting the benefits of jumping.
My WHY for joining the #JumpinJune Challenge was to push myself, to become a better me physically and mentally while doing something that I love, jumping rope.
My plan is to continue the challenge throughout the year as I become.

Denise R Taylor

#JumpInJune meet Lachonda Cook

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"I’ve been participating in the single jumps challenge with double Dutch therapy for June. It has significantly improved my endurance, jump performance, and overall fitness. I’ve also lost weight in the process and can now perform tricks with the rope. Additionally, it’s enhanced my skills in double Dutch and turning. I’m thrilled with the results—I feel great, my blood pressure has improved, and swelling in my knees has decreased. I plan to continue this challenge!” 

-Lachonda Cook
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#JumpInJune meet Mrs.KAY

I have limited mobility due to an injury and I walk with the assistance of a
cane. On May 7, 2023, I participated in a prayer walk for a Beale Street
Takeover. The walk consisted of crossing the Big River Crossing, the
longest public pedestrian and cyclist bridge across the Mississippi at nearly
a mile in length.
I started on the Memphis side and attempted to walk the mile to West
Memphis, Arkansas. Oh, I forgot to tell you I am afraid of high places such
as mountains and bridges. This was very challenging for me. I had no idea
what I was up against. I made it midway, and I had to turn around.
My anxiety level was rising, and my legs were getting an attitude and I was
afraid I would not make it to the end and have to turn around and make it
back to the Memphis side.
Fast forward to May 5, 2024. Here I am again at the prayer walk for the
Beale Street Takeover. In my mind, I was ready after a self-imposed pep
talk and powerful praying from several Sistahs. I felt I was better prepared
than I was last year.
I knew what my challenges were, so this year, I brought a portable stool to
rest, if needed and I had water to keep myself hydrated.
This time, I took frequent breaks along the way, I had the company of
several Sistahs that kept the conversation going, which inadvertently kept
me entertained and occupied. Before I knew it, I had made it to the
Arkansas side of the Big River Crossing. Look at God. This was huge
accomplishment for me.
The walk back was pleasant and fulfilling. I was able to relax and admire
some of Mother Nature's finest works which I never had before because of
my fear of heights. The hugs, kisses, congratulations, and high-fives I
received at the end left me speechless. What an accomplishment.

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